Ce blog est publié pour recueillir des informations archéologiques qui révèle passé de l'humanité, ce qui prouve l'existence de personnages bibliques et les événements décrits dans la Bible (Pour les historiens et les théologiens Valdemir Mota de Menezes)
terça-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2014
Augustales: were members of a religious and social institution common in the cities of the western Roman empire. The vast majority of Augustales were freedpersons. They attended to the veneration of the emperor and often acted as benefactors funding public entertainments and building-projects as well as paying entry fees. In return, they enjoyed the prestige of their office, which functioned almost as a magistracy. The institution thus provided wealthy freedpersons, who were legally barred from holding civic magistracies, with opportunities for public display and prestige. See also freedperson.
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